A 50 years old male with a history of 20 years of smoking came with complaints of dyspnea. On history cough was productive,dyspnea was progressive initially grade 1.Now the patient is breathless even at rest.Weakness was generalized and increasing with day to day activity.
On Examination:
Vitals = Sub Vitals
Pulse: 94/min Anemia= Nil
R/R: 24/min Jaundice= Nil
Temp: Afebrile Edema= Nil
B.P: 110/70mmHg Clubbing= Nil
Lymph NodesNot palpable
General: Patient looks emaciated leaning forward while sitting
On Auscultation:
- Bilateral crepitations in lower zone.
- Bronchial breathing with polyphonic wheeze.
On Investigations:
Complete blood picture:
Hb 16.1 gm/ dL
MCV 78fL
WBC 10,000/Cumm
Neutro 70%
Lympho 28%
Eosino 04%
Mono 03%
Urea/Creatinine/Electrolytes: Normal limits.
Liver Function tests: Normal limits.
Arterial blood gases: pH: 7.5, PCO2: 46, PO2: 57, HCO3: 25
X-ray Chest:
- Calcified
- Hyper inflated lung field.
- Reticular shadowing.
- Tubular heart.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the major pathological & clinical differences between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.
- Classify the various stages of the given pathology.
- Interpret the investigations including; lung capacities, lung volumes & X-Ray Chest findings.
- Describe the plan of management with the role of bronchodilators in cases of obstructive lesions.