A 22-year-old female presented with pain and visual loss in the left eye for 4 days. On examination visual acuity is restricted to the finger counting. Her left eye cornea conjunctiva and lens are normal; pupil is dilated and non-reacting. On fundoscopy, left fundus shows papilloedema. There was past history of left hemiparesis that recovered completely with a course of steroid injection.
Her pulse, blood pressure and auscultation of heart are normal. Her blood sugar is 120mg/dl.
Her MRI-Brain is showing hyperintense signals in cerebrum, cerebellum and the left optic nerve.
- Anatomy:
- Describe the course of optic nerve with reference to optic chiasma and optic tract.
- What is the location of primary and secondary visual areas in cerebral cortex?
- Describe connections of visual areas to different parts of CNS.
- What is myelin shealth and what function does it perform?
- Biochemistry:
- What are the different forms of Vitamin A?
- Describe the visual cycle.
- What is the function of vitamin A?
- What are the disorders caused by vitamin A deficiency?
- Community Health Sciences:
- What are the causes of blindness in the community?
- How would you prevent blindness in the community?
- Neurosciences:
- Define optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis and demyelination.
- What are the symptoms and signs of optic neuritis?
- What are signs of multiple sclerosis?
- What is the relation of optic neuritis with multiple sclerosis?
- What is visual evoked potential (VEP)? What are VEP findings in optic neuritis?
- What is the drug treatment of optic neuritis?
- Pathology:
- What are the infectious and the non-infectious causes of optic neuritis?
- Physiology:
- Describe the formation of optic nerve fibers.
- Learn visual pathway and its related lesions resulting the various types of blindness.
- Radiology:
- Search MRI scan for multiple sclerosis associated with optic neuritis.
Book References:
- Neuroanatomy by Snell
- Neurology Neurosurgery illustrated
- Robin’s Basic Pathology
- Guyton Textbook (Major)
- Ganong Review of Physiology
- Sherwood text book of Physiology
- Pathologic Basis of Disease
- Biochemistry by Lippincott
Web Based Article:
- Khan Academy
- YouTube