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Working Plan for Case Base Learning (CBL) 1 / Skill Lab & Tutorial For 3 weeks Semester 1 Foundation Module

Working Plan for Case Base Learning (CBL) 1 / Skill Lab & Tutorial

For 3 weeks

Semester 1 Foundation Module

Week 3 (12 – 17 Feb 2018)


S # Activity Department Topics Facilitator Venue
1. Case Base Learning Anatomy Menstrual Cycle Dr. Fayeza &

Dr. Nusrat

Dissection Hall
2. Skill Lab Surgery Management of Bleeding Dr. Jamal Learning Resource Center (CHS)
3. Tutorial Pharmacology Adverse Drug Reaction / Drug Interaction.


Receptor Classification Property up & Mechanism of Drug Action

Dr. Ehsan &

Dr. Uzma

Pharma Lab
4. Research Methodology Community Health Sciences Introduction of Research Methodology Dr. Qamar Seminar Room (CHS)